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How Indigo children are changing the future of fashion

So what does an indigo child bring to the table of fashion and fashion design? and how is the future of fashion design and sustainability being changed by a crowd of so-called outcasts, ADHD-branded sensitives, and creative, nature-loving, tree-hugging, healers that just want to embrace their uniqueness?

But first a quick look into who and what is an indigo child.

Indigo children are a group of individuals who are believed to possess special abilities and characteristics that set them apart from the rest of society. These individuals are said to have a strong sense of intuition, creativity, and empathy and are often described as highly sensitive and spiritually aware. In recent years, indigo children have become increasingly interested in fashion, and their unique fashion ideals have become a topic of discussion among fashion enthusiasts.

hand made bamboo renn faire fairy and witches costumes hand dyed uniquely

Indigo children love to express themselves through music, art, healing, and spiritual encounters.  You will find they love to travel and be free from traditional conditions of societal expectations, such as owning things that will hold them in place too long.

Creativity flows through these highly intuitive individuals and their empathetic senses command them to dress with color therapy and tactile defensiveness in mind. Natural clothing that is made from bamboo, hemp, cotton, linen, or silk are common fabrics that draw the indigo child. Bold colors such as purples, blues, and greens to subtle earthy colors such as browns rust, and gold are commonly used by the indigo child to lift and balance their energy centers.

Indigo children are wise and commonly found to be healers, therefore look to clothing and accessories that are made from as many natural sources as possible such as bones, stones, wood organic fabrics, and recycled items such as vintage. This possibly comes from the desire to rebalance the earth through ecological awareness for the planet.

Indigo children also tend to reject mainstream fashion trends and instead opt for clothing that reflects their individuality and creativity. They often incorporate handmade or vintage pieces into their outfits or closet and are not afraid to experiment with unconventional styles and accessories.

Overall, indigo children's fashion ideals reflect their unique personalities and spiritual beliefs. They prioritize comfort, sustainability, and individuality and they are not afraid to stand out from the crowd. As the fashion industry continues to evolve and grow, it will be interesting to see how indigo children's fashion desires will sculpt the landscape of society and shape and influence the fashion industry of tomorrow.

Let me know what you think are some of the styles that an indigo child finds most comfortable and have added to the fashion of 2023. Do you identify as an indigo child? If you would like to read more articles like this please feel free to follow me and sign up for my emails. I promise I am an indigo and usually forget to even send them ;)

Andrea Durham is the owner, designer, and creative behind Andrea Durham Designs. A self-realized indigo child with self-diagnosed ADHD, Andrea was always known to be a little different. A healer, empath, highly sensitive, animal, and tree hugger that never followed the crowd, Andrea has always gone against the grain of traditions, and institutions and done things the hard way and currently runs a Clothing brand designed for the indigo child and free-spirited creative. Clothing is based on the ecological sustainability of the planet. Organic, handmade, natural dyes and upcycled fashion. Let's spread the word that slow fashion is the only choice, and speak out about fast fashion and its erosion of the planet. 

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